Many home and business owners never notice that their roof requires repairs or replacement until it’s too late, and other damages have occurred. A leaky roof, for example, will cause water damage over time and invite mold and microbial growth, which can be hazardous to your health. Water damage can also weaken or stain your ceilings and even damage your attic, resulting in more problems and possible structural issues. Tru-Tek Home Solutions, LLC offers a free property inspection service and a no-obligation quote to paint you an accurate picture of the state of your roof.

Until water damage appears on the ceiling of a business or homeowners smell mold around their home, the need for roof repairs often goes unnoticed. This can create even bigger problems as the roof weakens further, leaks get worse and other damages appear. Before buying a home or moving into a new business property, it is important to get a roof inspection. Tru-Tek will carefully assess each part of your roof, locate any leaks or weaknesses, and give you a quote for repairs. If your roof has been damaged extensively from hail or wind, we can also assist and guide you through the insurance claims process.

When you schedule a free property inspection with Tru-Tek, you’ll get a comprehensive look at the condition of your property. This can identify any possible issues and outline the type of repairs that may be required to prevent further damage. If temporary repairs are required, such as tarping or debris removal, we will address that on the spot.

Tru-Tek Home Solutions, LLC brings more than 15 years of roofing and contracting experience to the table, providing services to thousands of satisfied clients every year. From the smallest leaks to full-scale disasters, Home Solutions, LLC has you covered!

So, for an honest and accurate assessment of your commercial or residential property, call 720-600-9400 today!

